Posted by Naybeth Díaz | Labels: actress, The movie | Posted On Tuesday, 3 May 2011 at 17:01

The bestselling sci-fi novel follows Melanie and Wanderer, the extraterrestrial “soul” that has taken over her brain, as they experience a sort of paranormal Stockholm Syndrome. Ronan would play both roles, or more specifically, a role within a role, a daunting task that I’m sure the Oscar-nominated actress is more than up to. The film’s producers may be looking to make the character a bit younger: In the book, Melanie is 20 years old, while Ronan is 17.
I'm slightly disappointed in this casting. I'm glad it's an actress that is capable of taking on such a role. I don't know if it was just me, but I didn't picture Melanie as so beautiful. I pictured her as pretty but strong, determined features.
Slightly disappointed? I'm extremely disappointed. I think it needs to be a requirement that casting agents read the actual books before casting leads in movies based off novels.
She is not Melanie. She's too waif-like and delicate. Melanie is a fighter, and older.
Doubt I'll be seeing this movie.
She is looking to sweet to play Mel