More FanArt
Posted by Naybeth Díaz | Labels: fanart | Posted On Saturday, 16 August 2008 at 18:29
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Found on deviantart by shanaimal

Artist's Comments
heres a quick sketch of melanie stryder from the host by stephenie meyer, its not top quality or anything, just a five minute scribble fest. FULLVIEW looks better!hb mechanical and 6b pencils
Found on deviantart by shanaimal

Artist's Comments
heres a quick sketch of melanie stryder from the host by stephenie meyer, its not top quality or anything, just a five minute scribble fest. FULLVIEW looks better!hb mechanical and 6b pencils

FULL VIEW PLEASE! Heres a better pic of melanie! as promised, i love this one alot more, this is melanie before wanderer, when she was part of the resistance. This was fun to draw, i loved doing the eyes and hair, hope you like it too! hb mechanical pencil
Would you like to watch yours here? Send me an e-mail at
those are really amazing keep up the art :D
This is truly beautiful! Perfectly Melanie! Good job!:)