Stephenie Meyer Updates her MySpace
Posted by Naybeth Díaz | Labels: news | Posted On Sunday, 17 August 2008 at 14:49

"Just a few things about the new release Nov. 21st release date for Twilight:
1) I have no idea how this affects international release dates. I'm not exactly in the loop on those kinds of things. Hopefully that information will be available soon. I'll see what I can find out...
2) I'm really, really sorry for any inconvenience the new schedule is causing people. I feel your pain. Let's just say that my Thanksgiving plans are going through a major overhaul, too.
3) Looking on the bright side, this new release date means that Twilight will get to be on more screens--a lot more. That might mean a shorter drive for some people."
is the new Host book out?
I think it is the soul and the seeker!!My Dad said he saw somthing.And if it isent wold you tell me when it comes out?! Thank you!!!
I'm sorry Grace for responding late. oops! I'm soooo sorry.
and to answer your question, I do not know that. Thanks for reading
when is the next book of the host be released.?:)
i really love the book.
Yo! I know your probly asked this all the time.... which has to be realy annoying...but when is the second book to the Host out...if there is one...and if it is already out i'm gona freak cause nobody told me, i'd feel like such a TWAT if it was out and i didn't know cause i realy LOVE that book (maby even more than Twilight)it is just sooo AWESTRUCK!!!
Now it's 2012 is the new book gonna be out yet?
When is the next book of The Host going to be out???? I'm going crazy here!
it is now 2014 is this book ever coming out and when?